Monday, April 22, 2013

Indoor Holiness Camp 2013

Chandler Indiana Indoor Holiness Camp 2013

  • Thursday April 25th: Newburgh Church of the Nazarene-Kenton Daugherty/Chandler Nazarene
  • Friday April 26th-Chandler Church of the Nazarene-Youth Night-Drew Walker/Youth & Assistant Boonville Wesleyan with special visit from "Earl and Edna"-Pizza Afterwards in gymnasium for youth!
  • Saturday April 27th: Boonville Wesleyan Church-Senior Pastor Ed Ames/Assistants Sue Lochmueller/Keith Kiper
  • Sunday April 28th: Boonville Wesleyan Church-Closing Service /Dennis King of Newburgh Nazarene Church
Services at 7:00PM Nightly Evansville Time and 6:00PM on Sunday. Host churches will be providing the special music nightly. Please start praying for our services now and plan to attend!
The theme as usual will be the life of holiness and how to live a pleasing life to God. Please begin praying for August Campmeeting with Larry and Tamla Leckrone!

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Simos Family ministry update from the Dominican Republic.

Simos Family ministry update from the Dominican Republic.
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Special Update!  Simos Family, Dominican Republic
Here's a Special update from the President of Freedom International Ministries.

Freedom Fighters!

The Lord is doing some exciting things here in the Dominican as we continue to look forward to the day when we will have our own school campus. A friend of Freedom has just offered a $10,000 matching gift towards the school!  The gift expires one month from today on April 30th.  Every dollar you give will be doubled until the $10,000 is met!  If you would like to give, click here, designate the gift to building, and type "MATCH IT!" in the comment box.'ll still receive a Share in Education!  To find out more about the building project, go here. 
We anticipate having 90 students for the next school year.  If you have been around any one of the Freedom team for long, you've probably realized that we want to use the school to equip kids to live for God's glory.  Because this is the Easter season, it was really encouraging to sit in the classrooms and hear the teachers sharing the gospel and teaching the students about Jesus' resurrection.  Pray that God will use them as catalysts for change right here in the Dominican Republic!
Thank you for standing with us - lives are being intercepted!
Jason Hilgeman, D.Min
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