Tuesday, March 31, 2009

From Our Home Office...

Top 10 Reasons To Send Your Kids To Public School

On a lighter note, here are the Top 10 tongue-in-cheek reasons to send your children to public school:

1. Most children go to public school. This automatically means it's better.

2. Children who receive one-on-one homeschooling will learn more than others, giving them an unfair advantage in the marketplace. This is undemocratic.

3. How can children learn to defend themselves unless they have to fight off bullies on a daily basis?

4. Ridicule from other children, and the opportunity to join gangs and cliques, is important to the socialization process.

5. Children in public schools can get more practice "Just Saying No" to drugs, cigarettes and alcohol.

6. Continuous exposure to fluorescent lighting may have significant health benefits.

7. Publicly asking permission to go to the bathroom teaches young people their place in society.

8. The fashion industry depends upon the peer pressure that only public schools can generate.

9. Public schools foster cultural literacy, passing on important traditions like the singing of "Jingle Bells, Batman smells, Robin laid an egg..."

10. Homeschooled children may not learn important office career skills, like how to sit still for six hours straight.

It's a shame Judge Mangum's reasons for sending Venessa Mills' children to public school cannot also be treated as a joke.

Monday, March 30, 2009

This Month in Church History-Thomas Cranmer

Thomas Cranmer (July 2, 1489March 21, 1556) was the Archbishop of Canterbury during the reigns of the English kings Henry VIII and Edward VI.[1] He was an influential theologian who, with Richard Hooker and Matthew Parker, was a co-founder of Anglican theological thought.

He helped build a favourable case for Henry's divorce from Catherine of Aragon and guided the English Reformation, which denied papal authority over the English Church, during its earliest days. Following Henry's death, Cranmer became a key figure in Edward's regency government.[1]

Scholars credit Cranmer with writing and compiling the first two Books of Common Prayer, which established the basic structure of Anglican liturgy for more than four centuries. Many phrases from its services passed into the English language, either as deliberate quotations or as unconscious borrowings.[3]

Cranmer was executed in 1556 for heresy after Queen Mary I reunited the Church of England with the Roman Catholic Church. Anglican culture, particularly the literature of John Foxe, later celebrated Cranmer as a martyr. His impact on religion in the United Kingdom was profound and lasting.[1]

John Wesley was part of the Church of England, which was Anglican in nature.Our church, The Wesleyan Church, has in roots in Methodism was was founded by John Wesley...keith 1 Cor 13

Friday, March 27, 2009

Great Interview from CBN News

Don't Raise a Wimp!

By Paul Coughlin

CBN.comPopular author and speaker Paul Coughlin has tackled the topics of passive men and passive marriages. Now he’s adding another: passive children.

The author feels that today's children are more worried and fearful than children of previous generations, and that parents are raising some of the culture’s wimpiest kids. Yet this father of three presents parents with good news: Raising assertive and confident children is still possible in today’s world.

Through his book he hopes to expel the myth that raising meek and mild children is the Christian way to do things. Instead, he proposes giving children the whole truth of who Jesus was—the ruggedly righteous man—and encouraging them to live as he did.

By showing parents how to shape confident and virtuous children, he is equipping parents to raise a “new class” of children, instilling in them the glorifying virtues of toughness, wisdom, and courage. Because parenting is more than just raising “nice” kids—it’s passing along the tools to help them live a happy and more abundant life, no matter how old they get.

What caused you to write a book that encourages parents, especially Christian parents, to raise more assertive and bold children?

It started with my work with Christian men who think it’s wrong to be assertive and proactive in life. I noticed that they obtained this dangerous view of life as children, often from well-intentioned Christian parents who told them that a true Christian is nice, but not necessarily good. So I set out to write a book to help parents avoid raising such kids, who often grow up very frustrated, depressed, angry, and eventually divorced.

Aren’t Christian children supposed to be nice?

It depends on what you mean by nice. If you mean kind, considerate, and compassionate, then yes. But many Christian parents unintentionally raise children who become doormats for other kids. Being a Christian doesn’t mean you become a doormat.

You have an entire chapter devoted to the “Dangers of a Nice Christian Upbringing.” This is a provocative idea: what’s wrong with such an upbringing?

It can unintentionally create children who are greatly conflicted inside, kids who think they possess no innate value and worth, and that they possess no special gifts that must be grown instead of denied. We give this view to our children when we give them what’s called “Worm Theology” that mistakes low self-worth for humility.

You write that kids are more timid and fearful these days. Why?

One of the main reasons is overprotection, which is prevalent in many church settings. It robs children of self-assurance, making them timid and fearful as young adults.

Tell us about the difference between healthy boundaries and unhealthy boundaries and why it’s important to child rearing.

Kids who have a hard time creating healthy boundaries against others sometimes have parents who have a hard time doing the same. The goal is to become assertive. This is where you put up appropriate boundaries toward others, but allow access to your life by the right people: those who do not abuse you. Assertive people don’t manipulate others, nor do they allow themselves to be manipulated.

You write, quoting Jesus, that we’re training our kids to strain gnats and swallow entire camels. Can you give us an example?

Swearing versus bullying is a great example. We tell our kids that it’s wrong to swear, which it is. But we are not telling them that it’s wrong to turn a blind eye to bullying, which has a far greater influence upon the world around them. We will jump all over a kid who says a bad word, yet we won’t even point out when a kid gives in to cowardice.

What are some of the myths about school-based bullying?

The largest is that kids who get bullied wear glasses or are overweight. In reality, the largest predictors of being bullied are being timid and cowardly. They lack self-confidence. They don’t take good-natured teasing, and they don’t play well with other kids. They don’t reach out to other kids, which is often mistaken for being stuck up or arrogant. They are submissive to others even before they get picked on.

You say that our churches don’t encourage courage in our children, the kind needed to stand up to bullies and to stand up for others. How do you support this claim?

Look at Sunday school curriculum or youth group curriculum. They rarely mention courage, which most thinking people agree is the virtue that underpins all other virtues. You cannot love well and deeply without courage, yet we rarely study it. Why? Because courage often leads to some form of conflict. We don’t like conflict.

You have started an organization called The Protectors (theprotectors.org) to create a faith-based response to school-based bullying. Why?

Because people of faith are missing in action. We can’t expect schools alone to tackle this problem. Our communities need people of faith to help stem this form of violence. The Protectors provides curriculum for Sunday schools and related organizations that helps kids understand that they have a biblical responsibility to help others in need.

What are some of the things you teach in The Protectors?

The power of clarity (being clear about the psychological and spiritual harm of bullying), the affirmation of basic rights, clarity through body language, the power of command (words of conviction spoken with boldness), and the power of two.

How does a parent teach a child courage?

Courage is more caught than taught. They need to see it in action, and then for a parent to say, “That’s what courage looks like.” Courage sacrifices for the good of others, a concept that has been dumbed down today to mean any form of risk. We often take risks for our own good, not for the good of others.

We also have to dispel myths about courage. The big one for kids is that courage is created without feeling fear. Fear is always present when we have the choice to do something courageous or not. We also have to clean up our understanding of honor. For some Christians, they think honor is the same as pride. It’s not. Honor is concerned with dignity, justice, loyalty, and fidelity. It is concerned with the well-being of others. We honor the value of others as made in the image of God.

Purchase your copy of No More Jellyfish, Chickens, or Wimps: Raising Secure, Assertive Kids in a Tough World.

For more stories like this one, sign up to receive Family News from CBN.com in your email every Friday.

Interview courtesy of Bethany House Publishers.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

What's Your Favorite Witnessing Tool?

There are several "tools' out there to help when sharing our faith with others. There are some like the "Million Dollar Bill"from The Way of The Master Ministries. Our youth have had great success with these in the past. Our own DS, Dr. Mark Eckart, put together the Bible Baseball Cards pictured here. You can find some on the table in the church foyer. I often leave these with my card when doing hospital visitation, or with a tip at a restaurant. You can order these by contacting Dr. Mark at meckart@blueriver.net. These, or the "Million Dollar Bill" can simply be left as a tip, or used as a sedgeway into a deeper conversation. Do you have a favorite? Please let us know about it or how it worked for you in the comment box at the bottom of this post...God bless..keith 1 Cor 13

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Could This Happen in Boonville?

Activist Judge Orders Homeschool Mother to Put Kids in Public School
by Christian News Staff
March 23, 2009

RALEIGH, NC, (christiansunite.com) -- Venessa Mills is fighting a legal battle for the heart and soul of homeschooling in North Carolina. As reported on World Net Daily, on Friday, March 6, Judge Ned W. Mangum stripped her of the right to homeschool, and ordered her three children to enter public school.
Mills was forced to defend her right to homeschool during divorce proceedings brought on by her husband's unfaithfulness. Mr. Mills admitted, under oath, to repeatedly committing adultery. Even with abundant evidence showing the Mills children are well adjusted and well educated, Judge Mangum ruled overwhelmingly against Mrs. Mills on every point. He stated the children would do better in public school despite the fact that they are currently at or beyond their grade level. Evidence showed two children tested several grades ahead.
When issuing his verdict Judge Mangum stated his decision was not ideologically or religiously motivated. However, he told Mrs. Mills public school will "challenge the ideas you've taught them."
What has emerged is a picture of a clearly liberal judge imposing his beliefs and striking down traditional values. Mangum, a Democrat appointee, disregarded the facts of the case in favor of his own agenda. Such anti-conservative prejudice is increasingly legislated from the bench, and appears to be encouraged by the Democratic Obama administration.
Robyn Williams, friend and homeschool mother of four was present at the proceeding. "I have never seen such injustice and such a direct attack against homeschooling," said Williams. "This judge clearly took personal issue with Venessa's stance on education and faith, even though her children are doing great. If her right to homeschool can be taken away so easily, what will this mean for homeschoolers state wide, or even nationally?"
On March 24th lawmakers in North Carolina will be reminded of the sheer numbers of homeschoolers in their state. As students and their parents descend on the capitol, organizers of the Capital Fest 2009 field trip will show they have a voice in North Carolina legislation regarding education.
Williams is rallying homeschoolers from across the nation to fight back to defend their rights as Americans to educate their children. She feels the judge has been given a free hand to impose his personal opinions and needs to reexamine his decisions. Please subscribe to Robyn's blog and join the fight for protecting everyone's homeschool rights ( www.HSinjustice.com).

This looks like another case of an activist judge imposing his own beliefs on the judiciary process.Parents should have the right to decide what's best for their children, not the state.
I guess he needs to re-read the constitution, if he ever did in the first place. As Wesleyans, we have a history of using ballot and boycott...What's stopping us now?...After all, Paul tells us in Galations,"It is fine to be zealous, provided the purpose is good..."Galations 4:18 NIV

"In Germany, they came first for the Communists, And I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a Communist; And then they came for the trade unionists, And I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a trade unionist; And then they came for the Jews, And I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a Jew; And then . . . they came for me . . . And by that time there was no one left to speak up." …Martin Niemoller

God bless...keith 1 Cor 13

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Meet Our Assistant Pastor-Rev. Allen Adams

This weeks focus features one of our Assistant Pastors, Rev. Allen Adams. Pastor Allen is married to Joyce and started preaching at the age of fifteen. He was ordained in The Church of the Nazarene in 1976. Later he was ordained by The Wesleyan church in the early 1990's. He has pastored churches in Otwell, Ft Branch,and several others. The Adams have two grown sons, and a couple of pet dogs, Samson and Delilah. Their grandaughter Reesa presently lives them also and attends Indiana Wesleyan Academy. Pastor Allen assists at Boonville Wesleyan wherever needed and also is a great help to Pastor Ames with visitation and preaching. In the coming weeks we will also feature Rev. Joe Wriston/Wesleyan men, who currently pastors Faith Pointe Wesleyan Church in Dale Indiana. We we also be focusing on Teresa Walker, Penny Williams, and many others who are active here at Boonville Wesleyan.

Great Time Had By All At Birthday Party

Our Jan/Feb/March Birthday Party Sunday night was enjoyed by all who attended. Pictured above are those in attendance with birthdays in those months. A special thank-you to Penny Williams for the games and all those who prepared and brought food items.

Online Bulletin for Sunday March 22, 2009

Saturday April 18th, Wal*Mart Parking Lot.
IWA Bake Sale fundraiser.
We still need donated baked goods.

Wednesday Praise & Prayer:
6:30PM at Woodmont.
Come share a praise or song.
Church Cleaning:
March-26-28:Gary Bratcher Family

Come sail with Us! Just type in
“cruise” in blog
Search box at top of page to find out
more information or contact Pastor Ames

If you have any news, prayer requests, or photos
you want to post and share, just send
them to me at: kipfoto73@sbcglobal.net ,
or put photos on a CD, and/or just give them to
me at church. And of course, there is a comment
box at the bottom of each post….keith 1 Cor 13

Have you heard about the amazing
new discovery?
It’s a pill that is half aspirin
and half glue for people
Who have splitting headaches.

Did you hear about the guy
that is so full of penicillin?
Every time he sneezes
he cures a dozen people.

Friday, March 20, 2009

You May Be in Pictures!

Be on the lookout in the coming weeks! If you are busy doing something here at Boonville Wesleyan, you may be shot! No, not by the guys on the left, the handsome guy with the camera. Be on the lookout for your picture in our online newsletter...

Check Out The New Wesley Study Bible

Mike Mullen and I were talking about how many Bibles we have. The "Admiral" and I collect different translations and types of Study Bibles. Also, there are endless translations and study tools available online. Vicky got me this one as a Birthday present. The study notes and comments fit right into discussions of holiness and Christian living that we have been discussing in Bro. Ron Knir's Adult Sunday School class. It also makes a great devotion Bible with the life application topics.

The descriptive link to Cokebury.com does not do this Bible justice. The binding is a supple leather-like covering with a ribbon marker inside. While it does not have a concordance, and is not listed as a study Bible, there are study notes similar to the NIV Study Note Bible, with references to Wesley and his works. The Life-Application and Wesleyan core thought inserts are excellent.
I know some would prefer the NKJV translation, but don't let the NRSV deter you from checking this out. I usually use the NASB, and found this to be a good translation, as I use several. When a student once asked Bible teacher Manfred George Goodsky what he would suggest as the best translation of the Bible, he replied,"The one you read." So far I don't see a "liberal slant" to this Bible. It is a great combination of a study and devotional Bible combined in one. It can also be ordered through the Vineyard Christian Bookstore (Evansville) and probably most others....keith 1 Cor 13

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Don't Let Your Guard Down-Roman's 7:11

Late one night, the new Pastor heard a knock at his door. When he answered it, he found a six foot roach on his doorstep. The roach grabbed him, threw him against the wall and left. The next night, the roach came back. This time it punched the surprised young Pastor in the stomach. Then the roach came back again a third night. This time, it roughed him up so bad that he had to go to the hospital. Then the young Pastor told the doctor what had happened and asked what he should do. "Nothing,"said the doctor. "There's a really nasty bug going around!"
Romans 7:11 tells us,"For sin taking occasion by the commandment, deceived me, and by it killed me." NKJV...John Wesley called this the sin of surprise. ..God bless...keith 1 Cor 13

Visiting Church History-A Hymn of Charles Wesley

I would like to post a segment each week on events in Church History, especially the Wesleyan/Methodist Movement. Someone once said that those who refuse to learn from history are doomed to repeat it. Charles Wesley, the brother and ministry companion of John Wesley, our founder, wrote over 6000 hymns. Among them "Hark the Herald Angels Sing" and "And Can it Be." Although some of these hymns are harder to sing than today's ditties, they are rich in meaning and speak to the soul.This one was written in response to the Calvinist (eternal security) movement. You can read more about this hymn from my friend Dr. Todd Stepp's blog by clicking his name.

Father, whose everlasting loveThy only Son for sinners gave,Whose grace to all did freely move,And sent him down the world to save:
Help us thy mercy to extol,Immense, unfathomed, unconfined;To praise the Lamb who died for all,The general Saviour of mankind.
Thy undistinguishing regardWas cast on Adam's fallen race;For all thou hast in Christ preparedSufficient, sovereign, saving grace.
The world he suffered to redeem;For all he has the atonement made;For those that will not come to himThe ransom of his live was paid.
Arise, O God, maintain thy cause!The fullness of the nations call;Lift up the standard of thy cross,And all shall own thou diedst for all.

God bless...keith 1COR 13

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Wednesday Nights at Woodmont A Great Blessing

As most of you know, we moved our Wednesday Night Prayer meeting service to Woodmont Health Campus in Boonville. Worship begins at 6:30PM with special music by church members and other friends to our ministry. Pictured on the bottom you see Layman "Red" Decker who comes and plays for us on the guitar and keyboards.
Also you see pictured top right is Jeff Knirs , visiting with a resident. Jeff (Shari) is one of our youth leaders and is greatly appreciated at Boonville Wesleyan Church as he has been active over the years. Reesa (forgive my spelling) is seen on the top left, who plays for us also. Rev. Dennis King,pictured on the middle top, of Newburgh Church of the Nazarene brought our message from John Chapter1. We will be featuring others who participate at Woodmont and other church activities in the coming weeks.
If you want to be blessed and be a blessing to others, please join us on Wednesdays, and Sundays too!...keith 1 Cor 13

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Rev. Bob England Camp Evangelist August 2009

Rev. Bob L. England will be the evangelist for this year's Chandler Interdenominational Holiness Camp in August of this year. This camp has a history dating back several decades .Boonville Wesleyan Church has been an active member church of this camp with pastor Ames serving in the past as camp president. The camp has a history as an outdoor camp, with services being held inside at Chandler Church of the Nazarene adjacent to the campground when temperatures get into the unbearable range. Wesleyan, Nazarene, and Free Methodist churches have participated over the years.
Rev. England or Bro. Bob to those who know him is currently pastoring at Paoli Wesleyan Church, and is currently serving as Assistant District Superintendant for the Indiana South District of The Wesleyan church.
He has pastored churches throughout southern Indiana including Boonville. You can read his personal testimony by clicking here: www.indianasouth.org/bob_england_testimony.html Last year we had an indoor campmeeting in the spring and hope to do so this year. I will be posting more information as it becomes available...keith 1 Cor 13

Monday, March 16, 2009

Special Prayer Request for Andrew Brown

Gary Bratcher asked that we remember Andy Brown in prayer. Here is some information from his website. You can click Andy's name to find out more...
Andrew is doing well given his experience. Mom, Dad, Adam and Juli made the trip to Riley in Indianapolis with him. Riley is an amazing place and Andrew is getting the best care possible.

"On Tuesday at school after running the mile in gym, Andy began to feel sick. Dad picked him up from school and they went home to relax. After being home from school on Wednesday, Andy began to get a bad headache in the evening and Mom decided it was time to go to the emergency room. Once they arrived in the emergency room in Evansville a catscan revealed bleeding into the ventricles of his brain. It moved very quickly after that and they let Mom know that they had already contacted a neurosurgeon and were going to LifeFlight Andy to Indy.
Due to the thunderstorms they decided instead to send Andy in an ambulance to Indy. He was disapointed that he was not able to ride in the helicopter! Mom rode with Andy in the ambulance and Adam and Juli were there to meet them when they arrived in Indy. Dad followed soon after in the car.
Once at the ER they moved Andy to Pediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU) where he is now. Since he has been at Riley, they determined that the cause of the bleeding is a congential (at birth) brain problem called an AVM (Arteriovenous Malformation). Basically, the bloodvessels are in a tangle in a certain area of the brain and the built up pressure finally caused them to bleed. Google "AVM brain" to find out more information.
The doctors here are experienced with this rare condition and we are all working on an action plan to get Andy better.
On Thursday evening he had the first surgery to place a drain in the top of his head to relieve the pressure. When he woke up the next morning he was the brightest we had seen so far and he asked for a cheeseburger and fries! He had a few fries and a couple sips of a milkshake. He stays in his bed as he is connected to lots of helpful machines but we have been getting movies from the Riley library to watch while he is awake for short periods of time. Right now we anticipate him being here at least a few weeks.
While Andrew is not able to receive phone calls in the ICU, we will be able to relay the messages that you leave for him here. While he is very sleepy, he gets up a few minutes at a time and responds to questions well."

If you would like to send mail to Andy, his address is:
Andrew Brown
Riley Hospital for Children

keith 1 Cor 13

Come "Sail" With Us Next April

Indiana Wesleyan Academy and Boonville Wesleyan Church are planning a cruise with Carnival Cruise Lines for April 2009. Everyone is welcome. This is a five day cruise from Jacksonville Florida. We are also planning some worship services on board the ship. I will be posting more information in the coming weeks. For more information contact Pastor Ames...keith 1 Cor 13

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Meet Our Pastor

We are going to focus on different staff members and other people in church in the coming weeks. If would like to see someone featured in this section,please leave a comment and let me know.This weeks post is about our Pastor, the Rev'd Ed Ames.

Our Senior Pastor, Rev D. Edson Ames also serves as
a senior ICPC chaplain and has served the Warrick County Indiana Sheriff's Office as a volunteer chaplain since 1995. After graduating from high school in northern New York, Pastor Ames served in the U,S, Navy for nine years. In 1974 he earned a bachelor's degree from Indiana Wesleyan University. While pioneering a church in Memphis, TN, Rev. Ames earned a master's degree from Memphis Theological Seminary. Pastor Ames has served churches in Tennessee, Indiana, Ohio, Kentucky, and New York. He has also started and administrated Christian schools in the locations he has served.
Rev. Ames currently pastors the Wesleyan Church in Boonville, Indiana, and is administrator of Indiana Wesleyan Academy with grades K-12. He is also a doctor of ministry candidate at Oakland City University...keith 1 Cor 13

Weekly Bulletin Announcements

Saturday March 21st at 10:00AM in the Fellowship hall. A baby shower for Stephanie Grant. She is registered at Wal-mart and Target. Its a boy!

Sunday March 22nd after Evening Worship is our Birthday party. Celebrating everyone with birthdays in January, February, and March. Everyone is welcome. For further info please contact Penny Williams.

Saturday April 18th is our Bake-sale at Wal-Mart. We would like lots of donated baked goods for this sale. This is a fundraiser for Indiana Wesleyan Academy.

Church Cleaning March 19-21: Penny and Denise

Welcome to Our Blog

Welcome to the new Boonville Wesleyan Churcg blog. We will be posting church news, events, photographs, and other useful information in the coming weeks. Please share your comments and suggestions with us on this blog...keith 1 Cor 13