Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Weekly News and Prayer Updates...

Boonville Wesleyan has embarked on a new adventure in reaching out to our community. Under the leadership of Rev. Sue Lochmueller and Pastor Ed Ames, we have started a "Prayer and Community Outreach Service" on Sunday evenings before Evening Worship at 4:30PM (CST).

Check out our news "ticker" at the top of our blog-page. There is also now a "share" feature at the bottom of each blog post. We have recently redesigned our page to better serve you, our members.

We have also added a link to the newly formed facebook fan-page for the Indiana South District of the Wesleyan Church. Just as fellowship with our fellow church members in Christ is vital to our spiritual growth, so is our relationship with other churches in our district. This page allows sharing of news and urgent prayer requests throughout our South District. You will find links and an RSS feed under our facebook links on left hand side of this page. Check it out!

Please keep us in your prayers or join us at 4:30PM (CST) on Sunday.
Please continue to remember Jim Walker and Family as he undergoes Chemo in the coming weeks.

Please remember our Minister of Media, Keith Kiper, as he shares at St. John's UCC Boonville Sunday August 1st. A big thank-you to Jeff Knirs,Sr for operating the sound system. Also remember upcoming Chandler Holiness Camp. There will be no Sunday Evening service at Boonville Wesleyan this week. We will be gathering for the prayer service which kicks off our Camp-meeting. Service starts at 6:00PM (CST).

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