MISSION WORK IN CAMEROON - A THIRD GENERATION FIELD The Wesleyan Church of Cameroon is a third generation mission field. That is, the work was pioneered by the Wesleyan Church of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), which in turn had been established by the Pilgrim Wesleyan Church of Zambia, which had been a mission field of Global Partners from North America. In essence that makes the Cameroon work a great grandchild of Global Partners. The work began when Rev. Jacques Kasweshi resigned as National Superintendent in the DRC in 2003. He was granted a TOOL scholarship to complete his doctorate at a seminary in Cameroon. Once there he started to make friends and to write home to the DRC about the opportunities. In 2004 the church in the DRC commissioned Rev David Kajila, their Assistant National Superintendent, to go as a missionary to start the Cameroon church. David and Cecile Kajila, with their 5 children, arrived in Yaoundé in May 2005. They commenced a house church which quickly grew to overflowing. In 2007 a suitable church building was leased. Earlier this month Assistant Area Director Fred Cromer visited the work in Cameroon and reported that the rented facilities were filled to capacity, a number of lay leaders were being trained, and that the young congregation has a vision to plant a daughter church in the near future. As you pray for the Wesleyan Church of Cameroon, please pray for the following concerns: - Cecile Kajila has been suffering from severe back pains. Please pray that God will provide healing.
- Pray for God's provision of larger facilities where the church can meet.
- Pray for direction and open doors as the church lays the ground work for a daughter congregation.
- Several former Muslims are part of this young church and face persecution from their families. Ask God to protect them and help them to be a consistent witness to the families.
SUNDAY MORNING SERVICE VIA SKYPE February 13th we attended and spoke at the Sunday morning worship service at Cascades Wesleyan Church in Jackson, MI. However, we did so without leaving the warmth of South Africa. The church set up a Skype link with us enabling us to watch and listen to the service on our computer and then to appear on the screen at the front of the church to give a report on what God is doing in Africa. What amazing opportunities technology offers! UPCOMING EVENTS Feb. 27 - March 11 -- Leadership Matters Course, Kampala, Uganda March 12-15 -- Uganda field visit April 7-10 -- Africa Area Missionary Retreat, Mlilwane, Swaziland April 21-24 -- 20th Anniversary celebration, Wesleyan Standard Church of Ghana April 25-27 -- Ghana field visit May 2-20 -- Church Administration course, Emmanuel Wesleyan Bible College, Swaziland May 22-26 -- Sierra Leone field visit PRAISE POINTS - Praise God for twenty-four new students who have enrolled at Xai Xai Bible College in Mozambique this year raising the total enrollment to fifty-four.
- Praise God that Zach & Lyndy Szmara (Mozambique) and Bethany Morse (Sierra Leone) are getting close to reaching their support targets, enabling them to be deployed to the field in the near future.
- Praise God for the safe arrival of a work team from Eau Claire, WI, presently in Swaziland working on construction of a new dining facility.
PRAYER REQUESTS - Dorcas Croft and Carol Cromer have been suffering from e-coli infections even while they carry on with their regular responsibilities and host a work team at EWBC, Swaziland. Pray for strength and a full recovery.
- Mike & Cindy Helvie at PWBC, Zambia have been hit with malaria again. Pray for their recovery and protection from further infections.
- Pray for Selinda Ingalls and Jesse Van Horn as they return to North America from Zambia and begin preparing for a new term of service.
- Please pray for the missionaries and national staff at Zimba Mission Hospital, Zambia as they plan and prepare for an extended period in the near future when all the missionary staff will be away in North America for home ministries.
- Pray for Bob, Jerry Manwaring, and Lucas Hamirie as they attend the Leadership Matters Course in Kampala, Uganda, and for Bob and Jerry as they visit our work in Uganda after the course.
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